Results for 'Alex P. Cox'

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  1. An Introduction to Hard and Soft Data Fusion via Conceptual Spaces Modeling for Space Event Characterization.Jeremy Chapman, David Kasmier, John L. Crassidis, James L. Llinas, Barry Smith & Alex P. Cox - 2021 - In Jeremy Chapman, David Kasmier, John L. Crassidis, James L. Llinas, Barry Smith & Alex P. Cox, National Symposium on Sensor & Data Fusion (NSSDF), Military Sensing Symposia (MSS).
    This paper describes an AFOSR-supported basic research program that focuses on developing a new framework for combining hard with soft data in order to improve space situational awareness. The goal is to provide, in an automatic and near real-time fashion, a ranking of possible threats to blue assets (assets trying to be protected) from red assets (assets with hostile intentions). The approach is based on Conceptual Spaces models, which combine features from traditional associative and symbolic cognitive models. While Conceptual Spaces (...)
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  2. National Symposium on Sensor & Data Fusion (NSSDF), Military Sensing Symposia (MSS).Jeremy Chapman, David Kasmier, John L. Crassidis, James L. Llinas, Barry Smith & Alex P. Cox (eds.) - 2021
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    Perceptual organization and the representation of natural form.Alex P. Pentland - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (3):293-331.
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    Shading into texture.Alex P. Pentland - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 29 (2):147-170.
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    Louis H. Mackey, 1926-2004.Alex P. D. Mourelatos, Robert C. Solomon & Kathleen M. Higgins - 2005 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 78 (5):175 - 176.
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    Academic Virtues: Site Specific and Under Threat.Michael P. Levine & Damian Cox - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (4):753-767.
    Extract: Clearly, academic life takes place at the intersection of many social practices. If MacIntyre is right, the role-specific virtues of academic life should be understood in terms of these practices.2 Academic virtues are those excellences required to obtain the internal goods of the social practices constituting academic life. And the social practices of academic life are sustained, competitive and cooperative attempts to achieve a set of academic goals and realize academic forms of excellence. They are also sustained attempts to (...)
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    Recovering from an interruption: Investigating speed− accuracy trade-offs in task resumption behavior.Duncan P. Brumby, Anna L. Cox, Jonathan Back & Sandy Jj Gould - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 19 (2):95.
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    Unnatural language processing.J. Oberlander, P. Monaghan, R. Cox, K. Stenning & R. Tobin - 1999 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 8 (3):363-384.
    Computer-based logic proofs are a form of unnatural language in which the process and structure of proof generation can be observed in considerable detail. We have been studying how students respond to multimodal logic teaching, and performance measures have already indicated that students' pre-existing cognitive styles have a significant impact on teaching outcome. Furthermore, a large corpus of proofs has been gathered via automatic logging of proof development. This paper applies a series of techniques, including corpus statistical methods, to the (...)
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    Transmitting delusional beliefs in a hypnotic model of folie à deux.Luke P. Freeman, Rochelle E. Cox & Amanda J. Barnier - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1285-1297.
    Folie à deux is the transference of delusional ideas from one 'primary' individual to one or more 'secondary' individuals (Lasègue & Falret, 1877). However, it is difficult to investigate experimentally because often only one patient is identified as delusional. We investigated whether hypnosis could model the experiences of the secondary in this delusion. Our primary was a confederate, who displayed two delusional beliefs and attempted to transmit them to hypnotised subjects. We manipulated the status of the confederate so that they (...)
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    Learning words from sights and sounds: a computational model.Deb K. Roy & Alex P. Pentland - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (1):113-146.
    This paper presents an implemented computational model of word acquisition which learns directly from raw multimodal sensory input. Set in an information theoretic framework, the model acquires a lexicon by finding and statistically modeling consistent cross‐modal structure. The model has been implemented in a system using novel speech processing, computer vision, and machine learning algorithms. In evaluations the model successfully performed speech segmentation, word discovery and visual categorization from spontaneous infant‐directed speech paired with video images of single objects. These results (...)
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    Poetry ExplicationThe Kenyon CriticsIn Defense of ReasonClassics and CommercialsThe Pattern of CriticismClassical Myths in SculptureFlorence, Flower of the WorldVienna's Golden Years of Music 1850-1900.George Arms, Joseph M. Kuntz, John Crowe Ransom, Yvor Winters, Wilson Edmund, Victor M. Hamm, Walter Raymond Agard, Giovanni Papini, A. Soffici, P. Bargellini, G. Spadolini, A. P. Vacchelli, H. M. R. Cox, Eduard Hanslick & Henry Pleasants - 1951 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 10 (2):186.
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  12. Regular articles Perceiving temporal regularity in music* 1 Edward W. Large, Caroline Palmer Memory for goals: an activation-based model* 39 Erik M. Altmann, J. Gregory Trafton. [REVIEW]John R. Anderson, Deb K. Roy, Alex P. Pentland, Vincent Awmm Aleven, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Yafen Lo, Ashley Sides, Joseph Rozelle, Daniel Osherson & Bruno Laeng - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (837):839.
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    Charge and spin density distributions in the ferromagnetic alloy Fe2B.P. J. Brown & J. L. Cox - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 23 (183):705-725.
  14. Integrity and the Fragile Self.Damian Cox, Marguerite La Caze & Michael P. Levine - 2003 - Ashgate.
    This book examines the centrality of integrity in relation to a variety of philosophical and psychological concerns that impinge upon the ethical life.
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    Bayesian collective learning emerges from heuristic social learning.P. M. Krafft, Erez Shmueli, Thomas L. Griffiths, Joshua B. Tenenbaum & Alex “Sandy” Pentland - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104469.
  16. The Space Object Ontology.Alexander P. Cox, Christopher Nebelecky, Ronald Rudnicki, William Tagliaferri, John L. Crassidis & Barry Smith - 2016 - In Alexander P. Cox, Christopher Nebelecky, Ronald Rudnicki, William Tagliaferri, John L. Crassidis & Barry Smith, 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2016). IEEE.
    Achieving space domain awareness requires the identification, characterization, and tracking of space objects. Storing and leveraging associated space object data for purposes such as hostile threat assessment, object identification, and collision prediction and avoidance present further challenges. Space objects are characterized according to a variety of parameters including their identifiers, design specifications, components, subsystems, capabilities, vulnerabilities, origins, missions, orbital elements, patterns of life, processes, operational statuses, and associated persons, organizations, or nations. The Space Object Ontology provides a consensus-based realist framework (...)
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  17. The Space Domain Ontologies.Alexander P. Cox, C. K. Nebelecky, R. Rudnicki, W. A. Tagliaferri, J. L. Crassidis & B. Smith - 2021 - In Alexander P. Cox, C. K. Nebelecky, R. Rudnicki, W. A. Tagliaferri, J. L. Crassidis & B. Smith, National Symposium on Sensor & Data Fusion Committee.
    Achieving space situational awareness requires, at a minimum, the identification, characterization, and tracking of space objects. Leveraging the resultant space object data for purposes such as hostile threat assessment, object identification, and conjunction assessment presents major challenges. This is in part because in characterizing space objects we reference a variety of identifiers, components, subsystems, capabilities, vulnerabilities, origins, missions, orbital elements, patterns of life, operational processes, operational statuses, and so forth, which tend to be defined in highly heterogeneous and sometimes inconsistent (...)
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    Integrity and the University.Damian Cox, Jacqueline Boaks & Michael P. Levine - 2024 - Philosophy of Management 23 (1):109-124.
    This paper examines the idea of the integrity of academic practice. We offer an account of the integrity of professional practice in general before applying it to academic professional practice within the contemporary, western university. We then introduce the concept of integrity traps and explain how they can make it difficult for academics working within a contemporary university environment to maintain their integrity.
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  19. Should we strive for integrity?Damian Cox, Marguerite LaCaze & M. P. Levine - 1999 - Journal of Value Inquiry 33 (4):519-530.
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  20. Thinking Through Film: Doing Philosophy, Watching Movies.Damian Cox & Michael P. Levine - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Michael P. Levine.
    An introduction to philosophy through film, _Thinking Through Film: Doing Philosophy, Watching Movies_ combines the exploration of fundamental philosophical issues with the experience of viewing films, and provides an engaging reading experience for undergraduate students, philosophy enthusiasts and film buffs alike. An in-depth yet accessible introduction to the philosophical issues raised by films, film spectatorship and film-making Provides 12 self-contained, close discussions of individual films from across genres Films discussed include Total Recall, Minority Report, La Promesse, Funny Games, Ikuru, The (...)
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    Migration. Edited by J. A. Jackson. Pp. vii+304 . Price 65s.P. R. Cox - 1970 - Journal of Biosocial Science 2 (4):391-393.
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  22. Ontologies for the study of neurological disease.Alexander P. Cox, Mark Jensen, William Duncan, Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, Kinga Szigeti, Alan Ruttenberg, Barry Smith & Alexander D. Diehl - 2012 - In Alexander P. Cox, Mark Jensen, William Duncan, Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, Kinga Szigeti, Alan Ruttenberg, Barry Smith & Alexander D. Diehl, Towards an Ontology of Mental Functioning (ICBO Workshop), Third International Conference on Biomedical Ontology. Graz:
    We have begun work on two separate but related ontologies for the study of neurological diseases. The first, the Neurological Disease Ontology (ND), is intended to provide a set of controlled, logically connected classes to describe the range of neurological diseases and their associated signs and symptoms, assessments, diagnoses, and interventions that are encountered in the course of clinical practice. ND is built as an extension of the Ontology for General Medical Sciences — a high-level candidate OBO Foundry ontology that (...)
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    Relative ages of husbands and wives at marriage. Some facts.P. R. Cox - 1967 - The Eugenics Review 59 (4):297.
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    The demographic characteristics of Britain to-day and their implications.P. R. Cox - 1967 - The Eugenics Review 59 (4):222.
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    On the microstructure of the charge density wave observed in La1−xCaxMnO3.J. C. Loudon *, S. Cox, N. D. Mathur & P. A. Midgley - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (10):999-1015.
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    (1 other version)Welcome to Su: the spectral university.Damian Cox & Michael P. Levine - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (2):213-226.
    While some may argue that universities are in a state of crisis, others claim that we are living in a post-university era; a time after universities. If there was a battle for the survival of the institution it is over and done with. The buildings still stand. Students enrol and may attend lectures, though most do not. But virtually nothing real remains. What some mistakenly take to be a university is, in actuality, an “uncanny” spectral presence. The encompassing ethico-philosophical question (...)
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    A computational cognitive model of judgments of relative direction.Phillip M. Newman, Gregory E. Cox & Timothy P. McNamara - 2021 - Cognition 209 (C):104559.
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    Equalities and Inequalities in Education.Antony Flew, P. R. Cox, H. B. Miles & J. Peel - 1978 - British Journal of Educational Studies 26 (1):92.
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    Perspective: The Maltese Conjoined Twins: Two Views of Their Separation.Alex John London & Lori P. Knowles - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (1):48.
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    Pragmatism and Progress.Damian Cox & Michael P. Levine - 2019 - In Clifford S. Stagoll & Michael P. Levine, Pragmatism Applied: William James and the Challenges of Contemporary Life. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 101-122.
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  31. Towards an Ontology of Mental Functioning (ICBO Workshop), Third International Conference on Biomedical Ontology.Alexander P. Cox, Mark Jensen, William Duncan, Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, Kinga Szigeti, Alan Ruttenberg, Barry Smith & Alexander D. Diehl (eds.) - 2012 - Graz:
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  32. 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2016).Alexander P. Cox, Christopher Nebelecky, Ronald Rudnicki, William Tagliaferri, John L. Crassidis & Barry Smith (eds.) - 2016 - IEEE.
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    Making a task difficult: Evidence that device-oriented steps are effortful and error-prone.Maartje Ga Ament, Anna L. Cox, Ann Blandford & Duncan P. Brumby - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 19 (3):195.
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    TTVAE: Transformer-based generative modeling for tabular data generation.Alex X. Wang & Binh P. Nguyen - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 340 (C):104292.
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  35. Representing disease courses: An application of the Neurological Disease Ontology to Multiple Sclerosis Typology.Mark Jensen, Alexander P. Cox, Barry Smith & Alexander Diehl - 2013 - In Jensen Mark, Cox Alexander P., Diehl Alexander & Smith Barry, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO), CEUR 1060.
    The Neurological Disease Ontology (ND) is being developed to provide a comprehensive framework for the representation of neurological diseases (Diehl et al., 2013). ND utilizes the model established by the Ontology for General Medical Science (OGMS) for the representation of entities in medicine and disease (Scheuermann et al., 2009). The goal of ND is to include information for each disease concerning its molecular, genetic, and environmental origins, the processes involved in its etiology and realization, as well as its clinical presentation (...)
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    Cyclic deformation of bidisperse two-dimensional foams.M. Fátima Vaz, S. J. Cox & P. I. C. Teixeira - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (34):4345-4356.
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    7 Avatar: Racism and Prejudice on Pandora.Damian Cox & Michael P. Levine - 2013 - In Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo & Dan Flory, Race, Philosophy, and Film. New York: Routledge. pp. 50--117.
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    Incorporating equality into logic programming via surface deduction.P. T. Cox & T. Pietrzykowski - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 31:177-189.
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  39. Le stelle pulsanti e la scala di distanza cosmica.J. P. Cox - 1981 - Scientia 75 (16):39.
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  40. National Symposium on Sensor & Data Fusion Committee.Alexander P. Cox, C. K. Nebelecky, R. Rudnicki, W. A. Tagliaferri, J. L. Crassidis & B. Smith (eds.) - 2021
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  41. Pulsating Stars and the Cosmic Distance Scale.J. P. Cox - 1981 - Scientia 75 (16):23.
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  42. The conceits of law and the transmission of the indecent, obscene, and ugly.P. Cox - 1997 - Journal of Information Ethics 6 (2):23-34.
  43. The Gospel According to Saint Matthew.G. E. P. Cox - 1952
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    Tumour suppressors, kinases and clamps: How p53 regulates the cell cycle in response to DNA damage.Lynne S. Cox & David P. Lane - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (6):501-508.
    The human tumour suppressor protein p53 is critical for regulation of the cell cycle on genotoxic insult. When DNA is damaged by radiation, chemicals or viral infection, cells respond rapidly by arresting the cell cycle. A G1 arrest requires the activity of wild‐type p53, as it is not observed in cells lacking functionally wild‐type protein, and at least some component of S phase and G2/M arrests is also thought to be p53‐dependent. p53 functions as a transcription factor which binds specific (...)
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  45. The Neurological Disease Ontology.Mark Jensen, Alexander P. Cox, Naveed Chaudhry, Marcus Ng, Donat Sule, William Duncan, Patrick Ray, Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, Barry Smith, Alan Ruttenberg, Kinga Szigeti & Alexander D. Diehl - 2013 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 4 (42):42.
    We are developing the Neurological Disease Ontology (ND) to provide a framework to enable representation of aspects of neurological diseases that are relevant to their treatment and study. ND is a representational tool that addresses the need for unambiguous annotation, storage, and retrieval of data associated with the treatment and study of neurological diseases. ND is being developed in compliance with the Open Biomedical Ontology Foundry principles and builds upon the paradigm established by the Ontology for General Medical Science (OGMS) (...)
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    Two visual systems must still perceive events.J. Alex Shull & Geoffrey P. Bingham - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):118-119.
    Perception of (and during) events is a necessary feature of any perceptual theory. Norman's dual-process approach cannot account for the perception of events without substantial interactions between the dorsal and ventral systems. These interactions, as outlined by Norman, are highly problematical. The necessity for interactions between the two systems makes the distinction useless.
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    Path-length analysis for grid-based path planning.James P. Bailey, Alex Nash, Craig A. Tovey & Sven Koenig - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 301 (C):103560.
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    A Tablet-Based Assessment of Rhythmic Ability.Theodore P. Zanto, Namita T. Padgaonkar, Alex Nourishad & Adam Gazzaley - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Introduction to the special issue on dissent.Joff P. N. Bradley, Alex Taek-Gwang Lee & Manoj N. Y. - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (5):558-561.
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    The Persistence of High Fertility. Edited by John C. Caldwell. (2 vols.) Pp. xiv + 940. (The Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1977.)The Socio-Economic Explanation of High Fertility. By John C. Caldwell. Pp. vii + 133. (The Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1976.). [REVIEW]P. R. Cox - 1978 - Journal of Biosocial Science 10 (3):302-304.
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